Currency Per Unit * Total Units = Your stock
This will impact the appearance of your offer in offer listing page.
Eg, Game: WoW Classic
It’s important to ensure that your offer is being displayed correctly on our offer listing pages when you create currency offers.
When creating currency offers, remember:
Your Stock = Currency per Unit * Total Units
If that’s still a little confusing, don’t worry. Here’s a quick guide to help you make sure your offer settings are correct.
On the WoW Classic gold page, we can see that the quantity options list includes 50 gold, 100 gold, 200 gold, and so on.
If you set the Gold Per Unit = 100 gold, your offer will not display on the page if a buyer selects a quantity lower than 100 gold. It will only display if a user switches the quantity to 100 gold, 200 gold, 300 gold, etc.
If you set Gold Per Unit = 120 gold, it won’t display under any quantity as the only quantities it can be purchased in are 120 gold, 240 gold, 360 gold and so on.
To make sure your offer is displaying under any quantity, you can set it like this:
This works because all of the quantities that a buyer can choose from in the quantity list are divisable by 50. Furthermore, if you don’t want to sell orders cheaper than $50, you can increase the ‘Minimum Units Per Order’ to 10.